Proverbs around the world
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Japanese Proverbs
The past is the future of the present.
Japanese Proverb
Only lawyers and painters can turn white to black.
Japanese Proverb
Money grows on the tree of persistence.
Japanese Proverb
Every meeting is the beginning of a good-bye.
Japanese Proverb
Parents work hard, children enjoy life, grandchildren beg.
Japanese Proverb
If you love your son, let him travel.
Japanese Proverb
If you make a mistake, don't hesitate to correct it.
Japanese Proverb
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
Japanese Proverb
Gossip about a person and his shadow will appear.
Japanese Proverb
Cold tea and cold rice are tolerable; cold looks and cold words aren't.
Japanese Proverb
Where there is fish, there is water.
Japanese Proverb
Even a fool has one talent.
Japanese Proverb
Though the wind blows, the mountain does not move.
Japanese Proverb
Even a thief takes ten years to learn his trade.
Japanese Proverb
When you are thirsty, it is too late to think about digging a well.
Japanese Proverb
If you understand everything, you must be misinformed.
Japanese Proverb
God lives in an honest heart.
Japanese Proverb
Great talents mature late.
Japanese Proverb
Lazy people have no spare time.
Japanese Proverb
Gain from your opponents without sacrificing your own strength.
Japanese Proverb
Water hollows out the stone not by force, but by persistence.
Japanese Proverb
One written word is worth a thousand pieces of gold.
Japanese Proverb